Mazatapec cubensis is a subtype of Mexican magic mushrooms that is similar to the Mexicana species of psilocybe fungi. Used in ancient times by the peoples of South America and Mexico, mazatapec mushrooms have a long and storied history of spiritual significance. Like many psilocybin mushrooms, the mazatapec cubensis mushroom was involved in awakening a person’s consciousness and allowing them to perceive or communicate with celestial beings, such as the gods and godesses of their religions. For many Mesoamericans, this was a transformative experience, and a tradition that continues today with many of these cultures. Mazatapec mushrooms are named after the peoples most known for their cultivation and consumption – the Mazatapec peoples of Mexico. Located in the mountains of Oaxaca, these indigenous people have an affinity for ritual consumption of magic mushrooms. In fact, many current practices involving psilocybin can trace their roots to ancient traditions learned from people like the Mazatapec. For the Mazatapec, consuming mazatapec cubensis mushrooms is a familiar, familial experience that they share – elevating their consciousnesses together and experiencing enlightenment as a family. Because of their willingness to share their expertise of magic mushrooms, the pioneers like the Wassons, Albert Hofmann, Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert have expanded upon their knowledge and passed it along to modern society. Today, mazatapec cubensis is one of many species of psilocybin mushrooms that many people rely on for exploring their consciousness and supporting their mental health.
Since the 1950’s, magic mushrooms have entered into the mainstream of Western society as a powerful psychedelic, but also more recenntly as a potential treatment for the multitude of mental health conditions that afflict many people today. Mazatapec mushrooms are just one of many different species of fungi that modern science and natural medicine practitioners are tapping into. A number of people buy mazatapec mushrooms online because of their strong psychoactive effects, but they’re also one of the most popular choices for people seeking their first psychedelic experiences. People have recounted their experiences with mazatapec cubensis as being an intense, heady trip but without many of the body-high elements (such as temperature fluctuations, muscle tension or loss of control). When you buy mazatapec muchrooms, you can expect a steady psycotropic trip, and a general sense of positivity and euphoria. Like many psilocybe cubensis mushrooms, you don’t have to consume them for reasons of going on a “trip”; many people today now buy mazatapec mushrooms and microdose for their beneficial effects on mental and physical health.
Mr. maw (verified owner) –
I enjoyed them.
made me feel a little dirty.
But that’s common
Mr. maw (verified owner) –
Good for the body and mind.
Mild. Good visuals.
Open the mind kinda experience.
bwm (verified owner) –
very good, clears the mind, will get again
Marcellake222 (verified owner) –
Good effects, lots of laughs
Feartheheat (verified owner) –
Nothing but good times, free your mind and the rest will follow
David CHURNEY (verified owner) –
First time trying mushrooms, and wanted to try microdosing, have now gone 3 days on 2 days off, and feel great..love these, and thank bulkweed for the great services and products
sobfreddie (verified owner) –
Had a good effect with only a couple grams, I purchased this in a bundle with other strains and this was one of my preferred ones.